The Local Area
Boston Gateway Marina is conveniently situated within close proximity of the town centre, which offers a wide variety of facilities. Food and clothing stores, restaurants, cinema and a supermarket are within easy walking distance. Boston Railway Station and Bus Station are nearby.
Local tourist attractions include the 14th century St Botolph’s Church, otherwise known as ‘The Stump’, Boston Guildhall Musuem dating from the 1390’s, the Maud Foster Windmill, a 450 year old market on Wednesdays and Saturdays, RSPB reserves at Frampton Marsh and Freiston Shore and the Water Rail Way cycle and walking route to Lincoln.
More information on local attractions, restaurants and shopping can be found on the Boston Borough Council website.
A unique attraction to Boston is the Boston Belle, a boat capable of taking up to 60 passengers, and a smaller boat the Prince George. Both offer public trips and private charters on the River Witham, The Haven and The Wash, where the seal colony can be seen.
Sail The Wash brings together information on all the harbours, marinas and towns around The Wash.